Tuesday, October 13th, 2020
Underneath the dissonance of this world, the racket of all we have to do, and the clamor of the media and the people around us – comes the Melody of the Holy Spirit to all who have invited Jesus Christ into their hearts.
It is the sound of God as we go about our day, if we train ourselves to listen for it instead of all the sounds of life that serve to distract us from our relationship with Jesus Christ, that relationship the Father wants each of us to have to the fullest.
How do we train ourselves? The passive mind is an emptying ground to be filled with the sounds of this world and the random thoughts that often, quite literally, come from hell, if you believe that Satan’s trying to keep us from paying attention to God as his revenge on the One who threw him out of heaven. I, for one, believe that. We need to transform our minds to ones that are filled with right and godly thoughts throughout the day.
How do we fill our minds with thoughts that are in tune with the Melody of the Holy Spirit? By reading Scripture, thanking God for His provision, praying often, talking to fellow believers, listening to Christian music, being active in a Spirit-filled church, and I’ll bet you can think of many other ways to keep our minds active towards God and right thinking.
So, what will you hear today as you go about your business? The noise of the world or the Melody of the Holy Spirit? It is a matter of will, a choice you will make many times throughout the day.