Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Holy Spirit gave away seven Bibles on my recent trip to Dublin, Ireland. The first one went to Craig, a cardiologist on his way to Toronto from Minneapolis, the first leg of my journey. After some small talk of why he was in Minnesota (research meetings at the Mayo clinic), I asked him what church he went to, and he said, “I only go on Christmas and Easter to placate my wife’s parents.” Then he gave a nervous laugh.
More small talk about churches, and then I asked, “Craig, how do you think anyone gets to heaven?”
“Oh, by being a good person and helping others, I guess,” he said, without much conviction.
I answered, “If you can earn your way into heaven, why did Jesus come to earth to die on the cross for our sins?”
“You have me there,” Craig said. “I’ve never thought about that.
“Would you like a pocket Bible to find out why Jesus came?” I asked.
“I guess so,” he said, this time with a little more conviction.
My parting suggestion to Craig was this: “Read the gospel of John and you’ll find out exactly who Jesus is and why He came.”
“I will,” he said, this time with definite conviction.
And off I went. Score one for the Holy Spirit.