Patrick Day


Tuesday, December 29th, 2015


I have a friend in Michigan named Jerry, who was renewed in the spirit a few years back and is now on fire for Christ. He is the leader of a group called Michael’s men in the church he and his wife Maxine attend.

We’ve come to know much about each other’s lives, so I was surprised one day when he told me he was a missionary. I didn’t know such a thing was in his background so I asked how and when that came about.

I could hear him laughing on the other side of the phone line. “Pat, anyone who preaches Christ is a missionary. My mission is to wake up sleeping people who have forgotten that serving Jesus is the purpose for their lives. I’ve woken up lots of people in the last five years.”

How about you? Are you a missionary? How many people have you woken up in the last few years? Wouldn’t that be a great resolution for the New Year?

One Response to “MY FRIEND JERRY”

  1. Bill Day Says:

    Pat, good blog. We are indeed missionaries. In addition, 2 Corinthians 5:20 reminds us that we are ambassadors who represent God Himself in encouraging others around us to be reconciled to God in Christ Jesus.


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