Patrick Day


Tuesday, May 28th, 2024


My days fly by in fleeting fashion. My whole life is but a blink in the panorama of history.

Meaningless, meaningless shout the sages of the world order. It is all hopeless says the prince of darkness.

“Not so,” says Jesus, the lover of my soul. “You are precious in My sight. Your life is of great value to Me, like a diamond hidden in an unplowed field or a stream in the desert or a blade of wheat in a field of weeds. I love you.”

This is what He says to all of us who have chosen Him as our Savior and our Lord.  

2 Responses to “MY FLEETING LIFE”

  1. Jim Nelson Says:

    Hi Pat,
    I found your book about depression at the library free area. I am looking forward to reading it. How about a mamoth muffin sometime?

  2. Steve Thorson Says:

    Lovely and true!

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