Patrick Day


Tuesday, July 30th, 2024


Whose world do I live in – my world or God’s world?

In my world, I pray from my perspective. “Help restore this broken relationship? Let (fill in the blank) win the upcoming election. Help my friend get the job he has applied for. Heal the cancer of this godly woman.”

In God’s world I pray from His perspective. “What is Your interest in this person? Is this the job You want my friend to have, or is there another coming later? Give me a hint, Lord, of what Your plan is for this chaotic world so I can become a part of Your agenda. Use this godly woman to advance Your kingdom here on earth; bring her peace in her affliction and let her shine forth as Your ambassador to the lost; and if it is in Your will to show the world Your power through her divine healing, then I pray You do so.”

What is important to God is greater than what is important to you. Seek His will, become part of His world, and advance His kingdom in this dark world.

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