Patrick Day


Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

Every morning I have a choice to make for the day. Will I be filled with the world or be filled with the Holy Spirit? Will my to do list dictate my thoughts and behavior, or will I allow the Holy Spirit to guide them? Will I set the course for my ship this day or let the Holy Spirit fill my sails?

Will I march to the tune of the world, or will I dance to the melody of the Holy Spirit? Will I follow my own mind, will, and emotions, or will I follow the orders of my Lord and Commander, Jesus Christ.

These are the choices I make every morning and that sets the tone for the day. How about you?

One Response to “EVERY MORNING”

  1. Robert Farquhar Says:

    True,True, True!
    My father said many, many times, ”The same winds hit the Christian and the Non-Christian. The difference is how they set their sails“

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