Patrick Day

Category: Stories

Archive for the ‘Stories’ Category

Friday, March 6th, 2015

SIX COMMANDMENTS FOR DYING TO SELF Gracie May had been a Christian for two years. One day she went to see a deacon at the church she attended to ask a question that was troubling her. The deacon was Paul Chambers. “Mr. Chambers,” she asked, “I know I’m supposed to die to self but have […]

Monday, February 23rd, 2015

THE RIGHT CLASSROOM Bryce Elliott was praying at work on a Sunday afternoon and asked a question of the Lord. “Who am I to You?” “You are not yet what I want you to be.” “And what do you want me to be, Lord?” “Separated unto Me.” “How do I do that?” “By staying near the Holy […]

Friday, February 20th, 2015

WALKING IN A DARK WORLD Paul Chambers read the last part of 1 Corinthians 1:30 (“Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God”) and wrote in the margin of his Bible. “I see an image of my walking in a dark world, with a clouded mind, stepping over ruins and decay, unsure where […]

Tuesday, February 17th, 2015

STARING INTO A FIREPLACE Paul Chambers sat in the lower level of his townhome, staring at the tongues of fire leaping upward in the fireplace…and addressed a prayer to Jesus. “You are not an historical Christ living 2,000 years ago, but the Christ alive today – and living in me. I am your servant. Anoint […]

Tuesday, February 10th, 2015

MORE THAN REDEMPTION A new Christian was meeting with Pastor Alonzo in his office. “You’ve been redeemed, Maria, but there’s more to salvation than just having your sins forgiven.” “I thought that’s what it’s all about, getting my sins forgiven so I can go to heaven,” she replied. “That’s only half the story. You were […]

Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

JESUS IN THE AFTERNOON Gary Wilkerson is the son of David Wilkerson, who started Teen Challenge. Gary wrote in the last issue of the World Challenge Pulpit Series. “When I was about twelve I overheard a newspaper reporter interviewing a Teen Challenge resident. She asked him, ‘What’s different about this program? What does it offer […]

Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

WALKING ON WATER Paul Comfort was leading a Bible study on the Gospel of Mark, and the lesson for the night was the 6th chapter. “Skeptics have explained the parting of the Red Sea as a possible natural event, and have done the same for quail coming into the Israelite’s camp. Some Bible scholars agree […]

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

WHO, NOT WHAT Paul Comfort explained his love for the Lord to a new convert he was mentoring. “I love my mother because she is my mother, not just for what she has done for me, though she has done much. My two granddaughters are too young to do anything for me; I love them […]

Thursday, January 1st, 2015

PROMISES Paul Comfort wrote the following entry in his journal this morning: “New years bring new promises. This year I promise to pray continually.”

Tuesday, December 30th, 2014

A LARGE HEART Jacob Learner was a large man with an even larger heart for the Lord. The morning of his 50th birthday, before the sun came up, he spent an hour with his Maker before starting the day’s work on his farm. He reflected on the past ten years of his life and became […]