Patrick Day

Category: My Life with Christ

Archive for the ‘My Life with Christ’ Category

Tuesday, June 15th, 2021

Just before I stepped up on the stage to give chapel at the Adult and Teen Chapel in Brainerd, Minnesota, yesterday, a guy named Adam stood at the podium and everyone cheered. He was one of them returned. Adam told his story of going through the 13-month program there in the past and had been […]

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Some time back I was going through a spiritual dry spell during a time I had taken on two new clients in my business coaching and was editing a book that had almost as many errors as there were sentences in the manuscript (a slight exaggeration). In addition to this were the controversies over wearing […]

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

This is a metaphor, based on Scripture. Each person is a vessel, filled either with himself/herself or God. He is the Potter; we are the clay. He is the Creator; we are the creatures. Without Him, there is no vessel. The outer wall of the vessel is the body; the inner wall, the soul. You […]

Tuesday, April 6th, 2021

Holy Spirit, Guardian of my soul,My Counselor, Teacher, Pray-er, allToday You turned the dark to light, Now guide the world of my dreams tonight.

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

I’ve been watching Billy Graham’s classic crusade messages on Now there was a man who didn’t have an agenda other than Jesus Christ and didn’t promote his books from the pulpit or endorse political candidates, as is the habit of some modern-day “prophets,” evangelists, and mega-church pastors. We are living in a perverse generation […]

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

If you’ll remember, my friend Tony was let out of jail a week ago last Saturday and found himself freezing in his deceased father’s home before calling 911 and ending up in a Minneapolis hospital mental health unit. I asked for suggestions, and some of you offered them. Thank you. However, God had the answer […]

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

Tony was released from jail last Saturday and had no place to go except his deceased father’s unheated home. It was 20 below that night, as Tony, draped with blankets, huddled in front of a small space heater. At 2 a.m. Sunday morning, he called a suicide hot line and told them he was freezing […]

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

What close relationship do you have where you do all the talking, especially when meeting with someone more knowledgeable than yourself? But isn’t that what we often do with God in prayer, whose thoughts and ways are higher than ours? Don’t we too often tell Him what to do with a particular person we’re praying […]

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

Tony lost his father last week; he didn’t get a chance for a last visit because he’s sitting in the Wright County Jail. That’s pain number one. He and his girlfriend of long standing both have mental health issues that put them on the fringes of society. That’s pain number two. He went to visit […]

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021

Holy Spirit, Lover of my soul,Hearing Your voice has been my goal.And as this day fades out of sight,Watch over all my dreams tonight.