Patrick Day

Category: Discoveries

Archive for the ‘Discoveries’ Category

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

I visited the Wright County Jail last Sunday with my partner, Jim. There were nine inmates attending our Gideon Bible study. About half-way through the presentation, I asked how they planned to stay out of jail when they are released because so many of them get out of jail only to return within a couple of years […]

Friday, March 16th, 2018

My name is Patrick, and tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. When I was growing up, on the front side of my life and part of a proud Irish family, I held this day higher than my birthday. Now that I’m on the back side of my life, it’s not St. Patrick that I celebrate as […]

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

How can you be thankful if you are not humble, and how can you be humble if you are not patient, and how can you be patient if you are not dependent on God, and how can you be dependent unless you trust in the Lord God Almighty with all your heart and lean not […]

Tuesday, January 16th, 2018

LOVE IN THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love Yeah they’ll know we are Christians by our love. Where is this love today, my friends, in the political landscape of this country? Serious Christians are drawn to the outermost poles of the political spectrum, from far left […]

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017

A MATTER OF PERSPECTIVE It’s not so much what you do but where you are standing when you do it. Whatever does that mean? you might ask, with a frown on your forehead and a blank stare at the wall. Well, there are two worlds you can choose to stand in. One is the natural […]

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

THE HOLY SPIRIT WRITES A BLOG Now, here’s a new one for me. I’m letting the Holy Spirit write this blog. Pardon me as I quiet my mind and listen for what He has to say to y’all, and to me as well. You hurry and scurry all over the place buying Christmas presents and […]

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017

EVERYTHING THE HOLY SPIRIT CAN DO        The man, in his natural self, looked into his own soul first, then to the world around him, and finally to his God. In his spiritual self, he saw God first, then the world around him as a reflection of God, and finally the soul God […]

Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

THE POWER OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Where does the power to pray come from? Where does the power to do anything of significance in the kingdom of heaven come from? As with electricity, power comes from a source, and the source of spiritual power is the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

GROWING OLDER As you grow older, if you are focusing on this world, your life is behind you. If you are focusing on heaven, your life is before you. The focus on heaven makes life exciting. The focus on this world makes life depressing.

Friday, August 11th, 2017

OBSERVATIONS FROM A COURTROOM BENCH Last Monday afternoon, I sat in the Wright County Courthouse for two hours at Joe’s hearing, a young man I’m mentoring who resides in a county jail. You can read about that part of the story in the last blog. Today I want to make some general observations about my […]