Patrick Day


Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

I’ve been watching Billy Graham’s classic crusade messages on Now there was a man who didn’t have an agenda other than Jesus Christ and didn’t promote his books from the pulpit or endorse political candidates, as is the habit of some modern-day “prophets,” evangelists, and mega-church pastors.

We are living in a perverse generation where religion is used as a club to beat some sense into those who don’t share the same world-view, support the same political candidates, or see things “our way.” Jesus never did those things, nor did the Apostle Paul or Billy Graham. They preached the turning of one’s mind to God and the saving grace of Jesus Christ. That was enough.

Where is our next Billy Graham? Where is the next person chosen by God to bring His message to the lost and to turn the minds of His people back to Himself instead of themselves or ourselves? If you find a “man or woman of God” promoting a political candidate, turn the channel. If you run across someone having secret spiritual knowledge that no one else has, keep running. If a friend tells you to follow this or that charismatic person who can tell you exactly what you want to hear about God and the Christian way of life, politely change the subject. If a preacher or teacher tells you about Jesus Christ and Him crucified, listen intently.

2 Responses to “BILLY GRAHAM”

  1. Steven Thorson Says:

    In my opinion, too much emphasis is placed on what famous individuals say and do.

  2. Myron Sahlberg Says:


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