Friday, January 8th, 2016
In my last Blog, I stated that we have nothing to offer God that He needs. My brother Bill, a practicing psychotherapist in Raleigh with a Christian inner-healing ministry, sent me a quick email to the effect that I was not quite correct. It reads:
“I enjoyed your blog today and agree with everything you said…almost.
We have nothing good to offer God because whatever good we have is a
gift from Him in the first place, and, as you pointed out Jesus is
totally our righteousness and we can’t earn anything. But there is
something that we have carefully cultivated and it’s all ours. We own it
and we can either keep it or give it to God. He very much wants us to
give this over to Him and when we do, it benefits us immensely. He pours
out His peace, His love, and His comfort right into the places in our
hearts where we had stored this property of ours. This something is our
sins and our sin nature. Confession and allowing Him to make
swap-outs/exchanges in us, Jesus’ nature for ours, are the ways to give
this “property” of ours over to Him so that he can properly dispose of
it and immerse us into His transforming embrace.”
January 8th, 2016 at 5:19 pm
Very well said! I very much like Bill’s observations & comments. Thanks.